Thursday, August 18, 2016

Pact App

I thought that I would do an in-depth app review about an app that I have mentioned a couple times in the past because I know that there are a lot of people trying to live healthier. This app is called “Pact” and you can make a small amount of money each week if you do health activities that you promise to do. The downside is that if you don’t do them the penalty is a lot higher than the money you make. The average reward for a week if you participate in all three pacts is between $1.75 and $2.25 the penalty per item missed is $5.00. You can see how it might be possible to lose a lot of money on this. I have made an average of about $2.00 a week for over a year.

Here is a look at the app’s menu. It has a nice “Tutorial” area that explains how “Pact” works and how you record your activities. There are three pacts: exercise, food logging, and veggie. Each pact has certain rules / limitations. For instance, with the exercise pact you have to do 30 minutes of activity. The exercise can be tracked with step counting, motion tracking, or gym check-in. You can only count exercise once a day. So this means you cannot make up for a missed day by going to the gym twice on another day or doing an hour of activity.

For "food logging pact" you have to use a partner app. The one that I use is “My Fitness Pal” and like the exercise pact there are certain rules and limitations. You have to log all your food the day you ate it also known as “the pact day”, there must be three “meals”, and you have a minimum of 1200 calories and a maximum of 1450 for it to be a successfully logged day.

The “veggie pact” is the easiest and the name is deceiving. You can eat or drink fruit or vegetables. You need to take a picture that gives evidence that you are consuming it and that it is a full serving of fruit or vegetable. Users take a picture and the community of Pact users determines whether they feel it fits the definition of fruit or vegetable. In my opinion they are very lenient because I have seen fruit juice, smoothies, and a handful of dried fruit counted.

Each “pact” has a different reward value. If you participate, at the end of the week they send you a “rundown” with a record of what you completed and how much money you earned or owe. If you want to retrieve your rewards you can request a preloaded debit card or you can connect your PayPal account (which is what I did). The minimum amount that can be transferred depends on which you method of payment you choose. I believe it is $20 for the card and $10 for PayPal. The way I think about it is that “Pact” helps me pay my monthly gym membership fee. The app is available for Android and iPhone

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